Sunday morning I sat down at my dining table with coffee in hand and my inspirational books unopened, and I noticed with surprise that my back yard was teeming with activity. The birds were everywhere! Sparrows by the dozen were chasing one another from tree to tree, dropping down for a drink of water from time to time. Once there were four very dissimilar creatures sharing space and coming close to one another. The mama squirrel was busily digging up (or burying) nuts, while nearby a mockingbird, a white wing dove, and a big black crow were foraging for food as well.As I watched, I saw a pair of robins on the birdbath. I had seen them every now and then this summer, usually after a rain. Suddenly, two more joined them for a dip! Four big robins in that small birdbath. I was delighted, and

sat very still so I wouldn't frighten any of them. A couple of blue jays also decided to stop by for a drink, and to my utmost joy I saw a woodpecker working its way up the pecan tree. It was much like the one I have pictured here. I took the photo of a small woodpecker in my front yard pecan tree last fall. Maybe this was the same one, all grown up!
I have been watching a squirrel's nest in the pecan tree in back for some time, and have finally seen a young squirrel venturing out. There may be more than one, but

this morning they were so active, up and down the trees and all over the yard, it was hard to tell if there were more than one babe. I usually just saw the two of them. (Mama and kit?) They, too, stopped for a drink of water, jumping onto the birdbath with ease. Good thing it was full of water, as it is made of a lightweight fiberglass. I saw a visiting cat tip it over one time when it was empty!
I always am entertained by the "wildlife" in my back yard, but this was an unusually busy morning. I checked the thermometer and discovered it was only 67 degrees outside at ten o'clock in the morning! We had a cold spell move in overnight! The animals and birds loved it -- and so did I! That afternoon I made a trip to Wal-Mart in Marble Falls and bought lovely chrysanthemums to plant in my front flower beds. The seven inches of rain we had after Hurricane Hermine passed

through the Gulf made everything perk up and look better than they did in the spring. Some things are blooming for the second time. (As are these Mexican petunias pictured here.) The hanging plants I have in front are getting so huge I will have trouble finding a spot for them indoors this winter. I may have to find foster homes for them. We've had cooler temperatures all this past week. Even down into the 50s at night. For those of you reading this who don't live in Texas, you may not think of 50s and 60s at night, and 80s in the daytime as "cool". However, when you suffer through a long Texas summer with temperatures in the 70s at night and typically high 90s to 100s during the day, you are willing to call this kind of weather a "cold front"! The birds, animals, plants, and I all thrive at this time of year. My favorite time has always been during the brief fall we experience here -- sometimes.
The golden orb garden spider at the top of the post was living by my back porch. She was so beautiful I had to take pictures of her. Unfortunately, a few days later I was hosing off the porch and accidentally caught her with a stream of water. Liberated with love.. I'm sorry grandson Travis didn't get to see her.
Before I close, I have an addendum to the last blog post on my activist grandchildren. I erroneously made the statement that there were no other "activists" in the family. Talk about being forgetful! I have to chalk it up to so much happening in the last twenty-five years that I almost put it out of my mind.
During the 80s, my son Craig was so much of an activist that he made a trip to Washington, D.C. to be a part of a huge protest at the South African embassy. They were protesting apartheid, and he marched with Jesse Jackson. He scared me out of my wits with a telephone call before his departure. He said, "Don't be surprised, Mom, if you get a call from me asking you to bail me out of jail". Thank goodness, that didn't happen. During this time he was also very involved with the Nuclear Freeze Movement, and was a member of the board of directors of the Texas Freeze Voters Association. He was passionate about both of these issues, and his enthusiasm was contagious if you heard him speak on the subjects. At one time, he was also Precinct Chairman for the Denton County Democratic Party, and went to the inauguration of President Bill Clinton. One thing for sure, we are a family who doesn't hesitate to speak our minds, and we stand up for what we believe in.*****************************