The "middle child" often gets a bad rap. Some say that these children are overlooked by their parents and, therefore, do their best to gain attention by any means. They may have to compete with an older sibling by doing more and doing it better. Many follow in the footsteps of this sibling, and are hurt in the process of trying to live up to an image that is not true to their own talents and abilities. Wise parents, like my daughter and son-in-law, help their middle child to develop into the unique person he or she was meant to be. My granddaughter Ashlyn is a good example of what loving guidance can bring out in a child.

Ashlyn's mother showed an athletic ability at a young age when she won a race against the boys and became "the fastest kid in first grade" in Bandera, Texas. Ashlyn didn't start that early, but she has been an avid sports participant throughout her school years. Soccer, volleyball, and basketball are her favorites.

She is something of a daredevil as well:

Don't be fooled by the tomboyish activities. Ashlyn is truly a feminine young lady. She recently surprised us with her talent for writing poetry. She wrote a beautiful tribute to a fallen friend, and I have asked her to consider writing something for the blog. She has maintained a place on the A and B honor roll at the Academy she attends. As the curriculum there is made up of advanced placement courses, that is no easy feat. And, oh yes, Ashlyn has a best friend who goes to the same school,
Ross and Ashlyn
Ashlyn, you make this grandmother proud.. It has been a joy watching you grow up, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for you.
Love and peace,