As our nation is suffering from the worst public health pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu, feeling the effects of an historic heat wave -- Death Valley recorded the highest temperature in history - 130 degrees, the raging forest fires in California and Colorado that are causing evacuations and threatening even more chaos and destruction from mudslides, and parts of the East coast still reeling from the effects of the recent Hurricane Isaias, I witnessed a most inspirational event this past weekend. The timing couldn't be more apropos.
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(Bucks Co., PA govt - Isaias damage) |
Not only did these two young men spend 24-hours reading pertinent books about climate change and discussing what it has done and continues to do to our planet, but they did this while standing on their feet the entire time! Their intention was to raise awareness of the extensive damage being done by climate change and to hopefully raise $500 for "Extinction Rebellion", an international nonviolent movement seeking real solutions to climate change.
The local chapter of Extinction Rebellion posted the following on Facebook:
Extinction Rebellion ATX on Sunday:
"Branch and Jorden are still going strong, STILL STANDING after 12+ hours, now reading from David Wallace-Well's "The Uninhabitable Earth" (sprinkled with morbid humor comments). Check the live feed out at Here's the remaining schedule:
Hours 6-16 (1:00 AM-12:00 PM): Reading lists of endangered species, Trump’s environmental rollbacks, and reading classic books about climate change.
Hour 17 (12:00PM-1:00PM): Agriculture"
I'm proud to say that Branch Tanner Archer (right) is my grandson, and Jorden Hix (left) is his good friend. A medical friend of my daughter's chimed in after a few hours and suggested some in-place exercises to relieve some of the pain in their legs.

A headline today almost brought tears to my eyes. As if Trump hasn't created enough damage from cozying up to the oil and gas industry, (not just him..the GOP is noted for its support) he is now supporting oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The following article states "Future oil and gas activities resulting from the decision are expected to impact greenhouse gas emissions, water quality, wildlife population and migration patterns, and impacts of increased human activity in the area, according to the environmental impact statement." OIL AND GAS DRILLING IN ANWR
In 2008 I had pretty lengthy back and forth correspondence with then Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson as well as an employee of ANWR. One of my letters began thus:
"Senator Hutchinson,
First, may I say I received your email today outlining your position on the energy crisis. I may be simple minded, but if it is true that the oil companies are currently drilling on only 18% of the oil leases that they have in the United States alone, why do you think they need to have permission to drill in more parts of the country and oceans? Especially when it is so environmentally risky. I know there are no easy answers, but giving free rein to an already hugely profitable industry does not make sense.
"As my original email letter to you stated, I do not wish to support any legislation to permit any new offshore or ANWR drilling. Nor will I support any politician who supports such drilling."
Today's article mentioned the fact that legislation already mandated that oil and gas activity be opened in ANWR in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law in 2017. I must have still been in shock about the election, as I missed that.
Tanner and Jorden discussed the plight of wildlife - among many topics - due to global warming. One only has to see photos of the starving polar bears to understand the effects of global warming on the ice caps. To add any more stress to the wildlife in the Arctic region is criminal.
(Only 2 more hours, guys!)
Congratulations! You made it to 24 hours! I expect we will be hearing more and more from you and your generation. We need your energy and determination to fight for the changes needed. Nonviolently, of course.
Thank you.. and peace.