"I just returned from a lengthy trip to New Jersey to be with my only remaining sister (the oldest of our clan of 5 girls) on her 86th birthday. My trip .. was a hoot! From my quiet little village of Midland, Texas I was thrust into a large Italian family, fed pasta for at least ten more pounds on my already plump body, was in two large traffic jams in Manhattan, gambled in Atlantic City and Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, danced the night away in a sports bar where my nephew's band was playing, and was attacked by a lovable pit bull in the middle of the night when my door was left ajar. Scared me to death! But...he was only interested in licking lotion from my arms and giving me a kiss goodnight. They all scream, yell, drink, and eat but are a wonderful full family that cares deeply for my sis and her husband (age 90) who are the monarchs. I returned home on Monday with a full blown case of Bell's Palsy. The left side of my face is paralyzed and I must wear an eye patch because I cannot blink that eye. Just call me Captain Hook!!! I'll survive, but I won't allow any pictures...
I reread your blog and it was wonderful, as usual. I had to laugh because just over my desk is a picture of John Nance Garner and my husband's grandfather at a Democratic rally in Greenville, Texas, when he was stumping for President Roosevelt. It is great, with the sacks of grain and homemade sign saying "DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS". Grady's grandfather was the representative from Hunt County during the 30s. Small world, huh?" ...Dottie
I reread your blog and it was wonderful, as usual. I had to laugh because just over my desk is a picture of John Nance Garner and my husband's grandfather at a Democratic rally in Greenville, Texas, when he was stumping for President Roosevelt. It is great, with the sacks of grain and homemade sign saying "DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS". Grady's grandfather was the representative from Hunt County during the 30s. Small world, huh?" ...Dottie
I wish to thank everyone who responded to a couple of the recent blog posts. The short story drew lots of good, constructive comments that I forwarded to my friend, the author. She said they really helped her a lot. I'm hoping she will submit that story or write something new to be published soon. I will inform you when that happens.
Most of the Scooby Doo responders were pretty adamant that I was not going to be able to do
much about the Great Danes other than turn my neighbors in to Animal Control, or as Vince suggested, I could do as a character in one of his favorite books did to a dog who was killing his livestock. I could shoot it and bury the body in my back yard! (The book was Hardscrabble Times, I think. I tried to check it out at our library - just to see how the rancher handled it, but they didn't have a copy.) Needless to say, this advice is my least favorite, but there is a funny coincidence here... the neighbor's husband's name is Vince as well.
Someone else suggested I "make friends" with the dogs by giving them dog biscuits. Not only would that encourage them to come "visiting" more often, but I don't think their digestive systems need more to dispose of! I did find that if I can get to the water hose in time, when I see Jade in my yard, just the sight of the hose makes her run home! She hates water! The sweet little wife, who does most of the cleaning up after the dogs, told me they were going to fence the yard. We'll see. In the meantime, Piper (above) spent a miserable weekend with rain making a giant mud puddle of her pen and the tin roof leaked water into her little shelter. I was on the verge of calling someone, when the neighbors came home and let her out to dry off on a covered porch.
Most of the Scooby Doo responders were pretty adamant that I was not going to be able to do
Someone else suggested I "make friends" with the dogs by giving them dog biscuits. Not only would that encourage them to come "visiting" more often, but I don't think their digestive systems need more to dispose of! I did find that if I can get to the water hose in time, when I see Jade in my yard, just the sight of the hose makes her run home! She hates water! The sweet little wife, who does most of the cleaning up after the dogs, told me they were going to fence the yard. We'll see. In the meantime, Piper (above) spent a miserable weekend with rain making a giant mud puddle of her pen and the tin roof leaked water into her little shelter. I was on the verge of calling someone, when the neighbors came home and let her out to dry off on a covered porch.
As for the killing of animals and the mounting of trophies, I got a lot of sympathetic replies, but no answers that were really suitable for publishing or telling my grandson. A couple of them might explain it to him somewhat, but I feel he will have to be much older than his 11 years to understand that some folks take great pride in showing off what they have killed. For this type of hunter it's like saying, "Look at this great big scary bear (or mountain lion, etc.) I killed. Doesn't this make me big and powerful in your eyes?" (Thanks to Jack for that observation.) And one that surprised me was from another former classmate, Jimmy, who wrote about one of the football players in high school catching a bobcat, getting pretty torn up in the process, and swearing he was going to tame it. According to Jimmy, this guy did it "to impress the girls!"
That reminds me of the one and only "coon hunt" I was taken on while in high school. This was a group of FFA boys and their dates. The "hunt" was led by their AG teacher. I was as excited as everyone when the dogs started baying and racing through the mesquite woods, indicating they had a raccoon on the run. We seemed to run after them forever, finally ending up with the dogs having treed the raccoon. As I caught up with the chaotic, noisy bunch of dogs and boys, I saw the raccoon in the tree. It was terrified, and I immediately felt sorry for it. I asked what they were going to do next. When I was told that the dogs would be allowed to kill it, I wanted to go home -- NOW! I started crying and I did not stay to view the "kill". It all seemed so unfair and cruel to me. As I got older and read about fox hunts, I felt I had participated in something cruder, but similar... and it was definitely not for me! I did not consider it a "sport" at all. I don't think I ever went out on a date with that boy again. For that matter, he probably never asked me!
As I remember stories such as this from my youth, I wonder if I passed on something in the gene pool to my children and grandchildren who are not into killing animals. But then again, I think the consciousness of the planet is being raised bit by bit. A kindler, gentler human race? I hope so. I see some indications of this, don't you?
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Peace and love,

As I remember stories such as this from my youth, I wonder if I passed on something in the gene pool to my children and grandchildren who are not into killing animals. But then again, I think the consciousness of the planet is being raised bit by bit. A kindler, gentler human race? I hope so. I see some indications of this, don't you?
If you'd like to make a comment, just go to the end of this post and click on "comments".
Peace and love,
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