I hope this finds all of you at your Christmas destinations, and starting your
celebrations. I am happy to be resting at home this year. I've had a busy couple of weeks at the Community Kitchen and Hope's Closet. I think I have now had a total of three Christmas dinners -- not counting what Joann sent home with us at the Kitchen dinners -- and two Christmas parties. Matthew and three of my grandchildren stopped by on their way to Amarillo to daughter Carajean's for the holydays. They dropped off
my granddog Jasmine, the cute little Corgi that stayed with me and the kids this past fall. She has been one step behind me since she got here.. only going out to do her business, and willingly lets me put her in her kennel at night. Such a sweet, loving companion, and a great Christmas guest who makes no demands on me!
Matthew 25:
35 "For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me." 37 "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38 And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39 When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' 40 "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' (New American Standard Bible)
This time of year it is difficult to ignore the needy, the hungry, the sick, the homeless. Increasingly, we see communities come together and care for those people on the fringes or in trouble of some kind. As small as the town of Burnet is, I am amazed at the number of programs and volunteers available to serve these needs. It is particularly important for the children to see that no matter their family's circumstances, God has willing hands reaching out in the forms of volunteers who cook, bake, buy, and give comfort and nourishment not only to the bodies, but to the souls who may otherwise be lost in our community.
No Christmas present can equal the joy one feels in seeing the excitement of the little children receiving presents, knowing they might not have received any at all if loving people had not donated their time, money, and talents in bringing these
gifts to them at a warm and wonderful Christmas party. The pleasure one feels in watching hungry folks come back for seconds of a Christmas dinner served with love and genuine, big smiles up and down the serving line. (We served 250 at one Christmas dinner.) And nothing can match what I felt in finding just the right, warm, donated coat at Hope's Closet that fit the man I had seen at the Community Dinners, his old coat thin and worn. He stayed late last week and vacuumed the floors in appreciation for the meal. He said he is staying with a friend, waiting on a home provided by the government, but I think he may be living on the street.
Our town now has free dinners three times a week at different churches, served by volunteers from all denominations. There is a food bank, LACare, that not only has emergency food available to families three days a week, but it also has many services such as assistance applying for Food Stamps, emergency antibiotic prescription vouchers, gasoline vouchers for newly employed, and referrals to other services and resources available in the community. It is a nonprofit, ecumenical organization with as many as 50 volunteers, who make spiritual assistance available to all as well.
Hope's Closet, with free used or low cost new clothing, is
sponsored by the Church of the Epicenter, which also has a prison ministry as well as being a partner in the local Job Corps Training Center for women. Again, people from all denominations volunteer their time in these programs.
As I truly believe in the connectedness of all living things, it is also my belief that if one of us is hungry, hurting, or in need of any kind, we all share in that pain. By helping others in any small way we can, we are helping ourselves as well. As the Course in Miracles says, when one of us is healed, we are all healed in some fashion. It is also said that "to give is to receive". I believe that as well. In giving, we receive so much more in return.

Peace on earth, good will to men,
This time of year it is difficult to ignore the needy, the hungry, the sick, the homeless. Increasingly, we see communities come together and care for those people on the fringes or in trouble of some kind. As small as the town of Burnet is, I am amazed at the number of programs and volunteers available to serve these needs. It is particularly important for the children to see that no matter their family's circumstances, God has willing hands reaching out in the forms of volunteers who cook, bake, buy, and give comfort and nourishment not only to the bodies, but to the souls who may otherwise be lost in our community.
No Christmas present can equal the joy one feels in seeing the excitement of the little children receiving presents, knowing they might not have received any at all if loving people had not donated their time, money, and talents in bringing these
Our town now has free dinners three times a week at different churches, served by volunteers from all denominations. There is a food bank, LACare, that not only has emergency food available to families three days a week, but it also has many services such as assistance applying for Food Stamps, emergency antibiotic prescription vouchers, gasoline vouchers for newly employed, and referrals to other services and resources available in the community. It is a nonprofit, ecumenical organization with as many as 50 volunteers, who make spiritual assistance available to all as well.
Many of us love the story of the birth of Jesus and how He was born in a lowly stable. "No room in the Inn". It points out the one area our small town has not
been able to provide -- yet! The couple who started the Community Kitchen here two years ago in February, Joann and Ben Thomas (at left), work very hard in keeping the dinners going twice a week. Joann (below) does a lot of the cooking herself, and Ben is a great assistant cook and bottle washer. They experienced the blessing of helping others when they lived in Florida by working with the Salvation Army feeding the hungry. It was natural to them when they retired here to continue with their good works. They first tried to get the city to help them obtain
an old unused "inn", and use it to sponsor a homeless shelter. So far, they have not accomplished that. Maybe as the economy continues to recover, this project will still
come about. But then, maybe with an improved economy we will not have the homeless. Although, it is also said in the Bible that the poor will always be with us. Perhaps the poor are needed so that our better selves will emerge as we love them and share with them.

As I truly believe in the connectedness of all living things, it is also my belief that if one of us is hungry, hurting, or in need of any kind, we all share in that pain. By helping others in any small way we can, we are helping ourselves as well. As the Course in Miracles says, when one of us is healed, we are all healed in some fashion. It is also said that "to give is to receive". I believe that as well. In giving, we receive so much more in return.
May you all count your blessings this Christmas. Among my greatest blessings is the healing of loved ones. Friends old and new are treasures beyond worth. I want to close with my favorite Christmas photo of all times. Three reasons that make my life worth living. Carajean, Craig, and Matthew. Taken Christmas 1969.I intended to follow up on my last blog post about the number "7". As it has been so long delayed, I will cover that on another post. In the meantime..

Peace on earth, good will to men,
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