Thursday, February 24, 2011


  We students of metaphysics are well aware that when we envision (or pray for) the "perfect" anything, we often are shocked by just the opposite showing up in our lives.  In order for anything to achieve perfection, the imperfections must first surface and be dealt with.  If we affirm more perfect health, in order for that to be achieved, anything in our body that is the antithesis of that perfect health will arise with alarming frequency at times.  A sudden heart attack can be and often is a life saving event.  It causes us to reflect upon our lifestyle and the means necessary to change it in order to be in perfect health.  The same with the discovery of a malignant tumor.  It must be discovered to be cut out and/or treated. If you long for a better job or more compensation from your current position, don't be surprised at sudden layoffs at your place of employment -- or even your being fired.  This can and will lead you to seek better employment.  We sometimes need to be shocked into doing the necessary and often painful things to bring about positive change in our lives. However, as the old saying goes, if we keep on doing the same old things, we will keep on getting the same old results! Change is a must.
  So it seems to be happening in our world today. There are many of us longing for, praying for, and even working towards world peace. The video above is so remarkable, showing many children who are being raised with the knowledge that they can change the world and bring about peace. And that it is up to each and everyone of us. The song and its lyrics are very moving. Such powerful, positive words as well as the images they portray. Although these children are Buddhist, their message is for the youth of all the world. This was filmed on December 11, 2010. The first uprising against the oppressive regimes in the Mideast began in Tunisia on December 17, 2010, and ending with the ouster of their leader on January 14, 2011. Perhaps one of these children was the number that helped to reach a critical mass in world consciousness. One of them  may indeed have been our "hundredth monkey".
  Granted, the intervening protests and revolutions are still a far cry from Peace on Earth, but these are the beginnings of positive change. The world is awakening. There is enough of everything on this planet that no one should be subjected to the cruelties of poverty, hunger, unemployment, lack of medical care, and most importantly, loss of freedom. Too much of these exist today. It is particularly shameful to see this in such oil-rich countries as the ones undergoing protests and uprisings now. When the leaders are obscenely wealthy, and their people suffer so much lack, it is time for the world to speak out. Speak out and back the revolutionaries seeking the positive changes in their countries.  These despotic leaders must be lanced, cut out like cancers from their positions that they have held too long.  
  We may not see results we wish right away, and it may not end with the countries in the Mideast, but we know in our hearts that we are witnessing the beginning of a "New Earth".

Peace, love, and courage to the freedom seekers,


  1. Well, my dear friend, words absolutely fail me in describing this post and this beautiful song sung by this host of children. You've outdone even yourself this time. I'm sharing it with my Facebook page and my email list, Marilyn. Well done!

    I love you, June

  2. I am a bit of a Taoist. I think things are just as they are.


  3. Never ceases to amaze me at how you are able to tap that creativity and publish a blog like this!! You and your family will never regret this and they will have it to remember you by and learn from!!! Love you, my sister!!! PEACE!!!
