Cameron Oliver Young. Age 5 years and 22 years. A precious memory of Kindergarten graduation and then a proud moment of college graduation -- Louisiana State University, Class of 2012. Cameron missed graduating Cum Laude by only .015 points!
Since graduating in May, Cameron volunteered to help with the Special Olympics in Dallas, Texas. He was the MC for the events. Cameron's delightful sense of humor surely added to the joy of the day. As part of his graduation gift, Cameron will be making a trip in August to visit many of his friends in Europe.

Audrey Marlena Archer. Graduation Day from Kindergarten, age (almost) 5 years, and Graduation Day from Southern Methodist University, Class of 2012, age (almost) 22 years.
As part of her graduation gift, Audrey and her good friend Hannah are trekking across the United States, arriving today in Delaware, stopping at many points of interest between Amarillo and her destination. Audrey will be working this summer with the Delaware State Park system as an Environmental Tour Guide, discussing with and educating the public regarding the flora and fauna of the State Park. She has applied, and will learn in August if she has been hired, to work with a group in North Carolina in the rescue and rehabilitation of Sea Turtles.
These cousins, born four months apart, have been close all of their short lives. Their parents threw a wonderful celebratory party for them in Dallas a few weeks back. Friends and family (with the exception of this sad grandmama, who had an ailing parent to tend to) gathered to send them off into the world. Having grown up in Dallas, Cameron had many of his childhood friends in attendance.
Beautiful, talented, and bright. These two are going to make special marks in our world. I intend to hang around and report their accomplishments for all the world to hear about!
I salute you two! With all my love and pride,
Fancy Grandmama