Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dooh dooh dooh dooh, Dooh dooh dooh dooh...or...THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT

It has been a long time since I have written anything here. However, I do have an excuse - or excuses.  I moved to this little cottage in December. Since that time, I have been subject to ever-darkening mood swings and consequently, my health has been on a downward spiral as well. As some of you are aware, I have spent over a year dealing with the welfare of my nearly 95-year-old father. He is (unhappily) ensconced in a nursing home in his hometown, which is a three-hour drive from me. Going back and forth, getting all of his financial affairs in order and disposing of his house and belongings he no longer needed were demanding enough, but then four months into that pursuit I found out that I had to make a move myself. By the beginning of summer I was having more health challenges than he was! I was beginning to think I might wind up in the same health care facility.. and I did have a two-day stint in the hospital at the end of July. Luckily, all tests seemed to be normal other than a worsening of my breathing.

I have been believing all along that the physical and emotional stress of the past year was at fault. Of course, I'm sure it contributed to some of what I have been experiencing. My immune system has probably been at its lowest ebb in years. 

I have been privy to some information in the past week that leads me to believe there is more to my weakened condition than just accumulated stress. From time to time since I've lived here, I have had a sensation of a "presence" just out of my line of vision.. like something at the corner of my eye. When I would turn to look, of course, there was nothing there. This was not threatening at all, and I was not afraid. Now I believe that there really was (or is) something here. When a new friend and neighbor indicated that something dreadful had happened here, I pressured son Matthew to spill the beans! He had been keeping this from me. A previous female tenant committed suicide here. I cannot get more details other than it was some kind of overdose of pills after losing her elderly father, whom she was caring for.

Now I believe her saddened energy has permeated this little house. As I am something of an "empath", and very sensitive to emotional energy fields, this explains to me the disturbed dreams and the nearly depressed state I have had to struggle with in recent months. Which to me explains my lowered immune system, thus additional health challenges. But what to do? Of course, I am seeking medical assistance and doing everything my doctor advises. I am listening to healing Hz frequencies daily (thanks to another friend, Jack), and have some items from the health food store on my list of things to purchase. But I feel more needs to be done. Therefore, I turned to my friend, Mary, who is a shamanic healer/herbalist. Mary has given me instructions on how to carry out a "cleansing" of the energy here until she can make a trip down to help me.

Until I started doing a little online research, I was one who believed that some so-called spirits become earthbound, especially if there was a suicide or other guilt-producing emotion surrounding their death. I also believe that as humans we are bundles of energy, and that energy cannot be destroyed -- only transformed. If that is the case, it seems logical that the transformed energy (spirit?) could be located anywhere. I once read a little of something on a "parallel universe".. which I think I remember that Einstein subscribed to. If there is any truth to that, we are surrounded by other "entities" all the time, but we usually don't see them and they don't see us. But I digress. Whether there is the spirit of the suicidal woman or just the leftover energy of her depression that led to suicide, I want to change the atmosphere in here. If that means burning sage, making spirit bags of herbs, chanting or whatever it takes, I will do it! I am sending her love and prayers in my meditations until then. In the meantime, here is the website that I found most helpful in understanding what we think of as "ghosts". Mr. Bridges discusses our so-called ghosts in terms of quantum physics, as well as classifying them. I'm not certain what kind mine is -- maybe just a "residual ghost". Interesting reading:

He had the following quote on his site. Thank goodness, my "presence" doesn't make a sound!!

I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.
 -- Mark Twain

Now that I have done away with my writer's block, I promise not to have such an esoteric subject in my next post! Unless something really, really spooky happens before we finish the "cleansing"!

Peace and sweet dreams,



  1. I know what you are speaking about. I have seen these things myself.
    Visualize light everywhere,and remember the smell of oceans. This helps to bring peace to turmoil. Works for me.

    1. Strange you should mention oceans. The healing hertz frequency I've been listening to has ocean waves in the background. Now all I have to do is remember the salt and fishy smells!!

      Thanks, Ann.

  2. Oh, certainly I think the spirits of people communicate with us. My dad has come to me in dreams several times.

    You will have to separate yourself from the sad spirit of the woman who lived there before. Hopefully, your friend will be able to help you to do this, but, in the meantime, you will also need to find out if there are high levels of carbon monoxide, or radon, or some other culprit in your home.

  3. Good advice.. I'm all electric, so there should be no carbon monoxide. I haven't heard anything about radon in years. I remember when it was a real threat in older homes. I guess it still is in some areas.

  4. Well, I certainly wish you every success in this new project, and most of all, my prayers are for your improved health and immune system. You are one of my very favorite people, and I only want good things in your home and your life.

    Love you


  6. I like esoteric subject matter! I'm glad Mary has given you instruction on how to cleanse her out. She helped my sister-in-law clear out a spirit years ago. It worked!

  7. "..As to your spirit. I do believe in them, but I don't think they feel pain or hurt once they've gone. Try not to have sympathy pain for her. Think of her as just curious about you."
