Everything seemed to be going so well. I was having Christmas dinner here at my home, so four days in advance I had the big bird thawing in the fridge. Christmas Eve morning I put finishing touches on the sweet potato and apple casserole, made the cranberry sauce, baked a pumpkin pie, had the cornbread dressing made, the green beans snapped, and all in the fridge waiting to be cooked Christmas morning. Sometime after lunch I started having a little cough now and then. I spent a lot of time with my face in the crook of my arm, and using disinfectant wipes on every surface in the kitchen and bathroom. By late that evening I emailed my son Matthew to bring me cough syrup. I did not want to be constantly disrupting everyone's dinner by coughing on Christmas Day.
Christmas dinner went well. The adults had Mimosas. The huge turkey was done on time. Daughter-in-law Amy had viewed a YouTube video on how to carve one, so she got that job -- to the delight of son Matthew. He did not want to carve the turkey. Everyone had plenty to eat and gifts were shared. This year, I was in a bigger quandary than ever as to what to give -- especially to the younger ones. High-tech has pretty much left this grandmother in the cold as far as purchasing gifts. So, for the most part, I resorted to old standbys like cologne, house slippers, pjs, and even socks! I never knew that socks could bring so much pleasure, but youngest grandson Travis is now in Middle School, and clothing has become important to him. One of the latest rages there is to wear neon socks. A different color on each foot! I searched long and hard before I finally found the right ones..which he genuinely seemed thrilled over. But I happened to choose a book for him that he already had. Oh, well..
By now, I was feeling poorly, and the coughing became more pronounced. After everyone left, I divided my time between dishes, putting away those all-important leftovers (I still have enough turkey in the freezer to make a turkey pot pie next week), and collapsing on the living room sofa. By bedtime I was digging out my humidifier and ice pack. I had a raging headache to go along with the cough. The next few days went by in a fog. It was the first time in my adult life that I left my bed unmade for days on end (I usually hate to sleep in a wrinkled, unmade bed), and even stayed in my pjs for several days as well. After chills, fever, and lots of muscle aches and pains, I decided I must have come down with the flu, even though I had the vaccine. The cough syrup, aspirin, antihistamines, and my humidifier worked well at helping me to heal. By then, though, I had coughed and ached my way through New Year's Day. I don't know what I would have done without Netflix (I finally watched all of Breaking Bad), e-books, and all the delicious leftovers - especially the sweets, which I enjoyed every bit as much if not more than on Christmas Day.
My kids stayed in touch, and Matthew even brought me a cheeseburger and fries, which I rarely eat, when I was burned out on turkey in all its forms. He did not linger, as he had not had the vaccine yet. Luckily, I was past the contagious stage, and no one else in the family caught anything from me. Now I am ready for company!!
Me and Herbie
One day when I returned from Christmas shopping, I was surprised to find a large apple on the floor of my kitchen. It had come from a basket of fruit in the middle of my table. There was no way it rolled out of the basket and off the table without help. I picked it up and noticed what looked like two long teeth marks. I threw it away, washed the rest of the fruit and put it in the fridge. The marks were so long and the apple was so big, I couldn't imagine a little mouse dragging it. However, I decided to put fresh cheese in two humane mousetraps I had on hand. I never saw any other signs of a mouse or even insects. Each morning I checked the traps, and I made certain there were no food or dirty dishes left out, and my trash can in the kitchen has a lid that snaps shut.
One night after Christmas, as I lay on the sofa watching TV, I suddenly saw something black streak out of the hallway past the living area and before I could jump up and turn a light on, it had disappeared. I searched the kitchen with no luck. Whatever it was had to have gone under the stove or refrigerator. I was a little nervous, as it was blacker than any mouse I had ever seen. Maybe another creature in my house? I lay back down, and about 15 minutes later, the same black whatever streaked back through the house toward my office/guest room. Again, I searched this room with no luck. I decided to bait the traps with peanut butter. The next morning I looked in the office and noticed something green sticking out from under the daybed. I had put several outdoor pot plants on the floor of the guest room when our weather turned very cold. Close inspection showed it was a long piece of the Hindu rope plant. It had been cut (bit?) off and dragged under the daybed. Hmmm. Whatever it is, it is pretty strong... and possibly a vegan. Therefore, I took one of the remaining Christmas grapes and put half in each of the traps. Without thinking, I said, "There, Herbie, that ought to please you!" Herbie? I guess for herbivore?
That was several days ago, and still no Herbie. I see signs that he has been foraging around the plants and ignoring the traps I have set. I fear I am going to have to bring out the big guns after a trip to Walmart. There are two methods I am considering. One is a sticky paper that traps the intruder. The trouble with that is I could see him eye to eye and he (or she - God forbid it is a female. I saw on the Internet the size of their litters!) would still be alive.
As I researched "black" mice on the Internet, I found that a particular black mouse species was called Fancy Mice. I thought this spooky, as my favorite little dog of all time was named Fancy.
"You'll have to speak to my agent.."
My younger son Matthew has always been something of a daredevil, adventurous type. He runs his own business out of his home, which gives him the opportunity to more or less set his own hours.
He and I are both big fans of the new TV series on NBC, "Revolution". I told him that it was filmed in the Austin/Georgetown area. "No way!", he said. Yes, way! Not long after that conversation, he told me he had signed on to be an extra on the show. I clapped my hands in glee. I just knew he was gonna be a star! He had seen an article in the Austin paper asking folks to sign up, and on a lark he did. It was not long when he got his first call to be an extra -- one of the "Patriots" on the show. It happened to be in December, the busiest time of his year, so he had to turn it down. They have called him several times since then, with the same results -- this is a busy time, as he is finishing out reports, etc. for his end-of-year. Earlier I told him I thought he should get an agent, only halfway teasing. Now, anytime anyone starts to take photographs, he announces "No photos until you check with my agent." He's such a clown. But a good-looking clown. I think he'd be a good TV actor... especially in this series. However, I think the reason they keep calling him is the fact that they keep killing off all the patriots in this series. Maybe you shouldn't show up for any of those calls after all, Matt.
By the way, he's already been on TV. They just didn't give him credit. The rider in this commercial for Cecil happens to be you-know-who.
I do think he needs an agent -- don't you?
Happy New Year everyone.
Love and peace,
Happy New Year everyone.
Love and peace,
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