“Texas, our Texas..” Oh, my,
is our state ever again going to be thought of as something other than a bunch
of gun-toting, red-neck, conspiracy theorists? I cannot believe the flak that
the upcoming multi-state military exercises named Operation Jade Helm 15 are
causing in our “great” state.
Many of these theorists were at the State
Capitol recently, toting their handguns on their hips and assault rifles slung
across their shoulders as our Texas Legislature was voting on the “open carry”
law. (Something that deserves a good long look at as well.) Wing nut used to be something you put on the
end of a bolt to hold it in place. Now it seems that right-wing nut has pushed
that definition out of use. These so-called pro-life, gun rights advocates (now
that’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one) just have to keep stirring up more
reasons to buy more guns.
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(Photo from Texas Tribune - Yep, these are Texas citizens!) |
When this past March the US Army Special Operations Command announced that they would be training with Special Forces units from other US Armed Forces (including the Green Berets, Navy SEALS, Marine Special Operations Command, and the 82nd Airborne Division) in a multi-state exercise across a five-state area from July 15 through September 15, the conspiracy theorists went crazy! Texas politicians, bowing to the rants of these conspiracy theorists, are speaking out about this operation. After all, the votes of these folks are what put them in office.
Governor Abbott directed the Texas State Guard (separate
from the Texas National Guard) to monitor the operation. He wrote: “During the training operation, it is
important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private
property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed.” And
Abbott is demanding “regular updates
on the progress and safety of the Operation.” I suppose to be on the safe side, former Governor Rick Perry - who is a presidential candidate, made a public statement that he thought "Governor Abbott went too far in raising questions about the military exercises." He trusts the military, even when you "can't trust the leadership" of our government. Maybe he's distancing himself from Texas... while still getting a shot in at Obama.
The states that were chosen for these exercises have the wide open
spaces and difficult terrains that will help our military prepare for combat in
other countries if needed. Some are even insinuating that these exercises are
in preparation for an invasion in Iran and a Middle East-wide war.
Unbelievable. According to the map they are spreading around, Texas is the
equivalent of Iran.
I cannot believe citizens in the United States believe that this military exercise is a prelude to Obama's declaring Martial Law in Texas! Some have even theorized that the closing of several Walmart stores across the state is in preparation for using them as “detention centers” or even more laughable, "reeducation centers".
Presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz had to put in his two cents worth. He recently told Bloomberg Politics, "...the federal government has not demonstrated itself to be trustworthy in this administration, the natural consequence is that many citizens don’t trust what it is saying.” “I think part of the reason is we have seen, for six years, a federal government disrespecting the liberty of the citizens. That produces fear, when you see a government that is attacking our free speech rights, or Second Amendment rights, or religious liberty rights. That produces distrust.” Of course! That explains it. It’s Obama’s fault.
Then there
is another conspiracy theory presented on the Agenda 21 Radio site that “These
states occupy the same territory as the former territory that was Mexico, and
the United States purchased following the Mexican/American War. This area is
known in Mexico as Aztlan. Aztlan is the legendary ancestral home of the Aztec
peoples and is being sought after by activists such as Movimiento Estudiantil
Chicano de Aztlán or MeChA and La Raza to be returned
to Mexico.” (We aren't the only country that has extremist organizations rallying for aggression.) Really? We're now preparing to defend ourselves against Mexico?
As it’s the “alternative
news” sites that are having a hey day with these conspiracy theories, I checked
out one of them on Rational Wiki. This one was described thus:
It's News is a citizen journalism outfit, where anyone can
write something and have it go up. Or at least, that was the intention, as it
was promptly flooded with conspiracy theorists and is now an outlet for an 'unabashedly unhinged' take on world events and religious
prophecy. The advertising is for survivalist supplies.” That can probably be said about most of the alternative news sites.
I guess a lot of the ones who are raising such an outcry about Operation Jade Helm 15 were not born yet or were still too young to remember Operation Longhorn that took place in Texas in the spring of 1952. As I was an army brat, I remember my dad was fully involved in those exercises while stationed at Fort Sam Houston. We were in the middle of the Korean "Conflict" which took place from 1950 to 1953, and my dad had been called up with a reserve unit from a small town in Texas.
OPERATION LONGHORN took place in March/April 1952, when Lampasas County, Texas was used to stage a huge mock battle between the Aggressor Force led by troops from the 82nd Airborne at Fort Bragg, N.C. -- and U.S. forces represented by several Army divisions from nearby Fort Hood. Dad had been assigned temporary duty to Fort Hood, and his role during these exercises was as Battalion Sergeant Major. He had been a paratrooper in World War II, but I'm not certain what he actually did during these exercises. Paratroopers were dropped into Lampasas County, Texas for a mock "takeover". We never talked about it. I do have commendations located in his military records that he received from his commander at that time.
There is an interesting article about Operation Longhorn in the Lampasas Dispatch Record. From what I've read, there were not the paranoid conspiracy theories going around at that time. Training of our armed forces has always been necessary, and as military warfare and weapons have become more sophisticated as the years have passed, of course that will dictate how, where, etc. these training exercises take place.
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(Texas Longhorn Cattle)
I also read a cute story in the Tyler Morning Telegraph about someone's grandmother who's ranch land was among the thousands of acres leased in Lampasas County for Operation Longhorn.
"Although things were explained to grandma, she was still a little fuzzy on details. On the first day of the exercise, with rain clouds blowing in, planes flew over and dropped paratroopers within sight of the house. From the porch, grandma watched with interest as they got dug in, then concern as it started to rain.
'Go down and bring those boys up to the house,' she ordered Uncle Ernest, 'before they get soaked.'
Knowing the futility of arguing, Ernest sheepishly drove down in his pickup to see if the soldiers needed shelter. The lieutenant in charge rode back with him to personally explain to grandma why her hospitality had to be declined."

Now I've joined the ranks of those who love to make fun of those with differing opinions. All I have to say is
Peace, and don't let the bogeymen getcha!
Some days are just more full of loonies than other days, but these really take the cake. What some of these "wing nuts" won't do to justify toting those guns just still amazes me, and I live in Oklahoma, so that's not easy to do.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with you more! A lot of people are most assuredly wing-nuts. And the unsettling thing is that most of them have lots and lots of guns.