Yesterday I received the following email from a friend and former classmate, Martha Northington. I feel that many of us will agree with her on this topic.
"I’m writing this to friends in lieu of attacking NYT, Austin Statesman and Houston Chronicle columnists. Forgive my apoplexy.
"I am really weary of columnists all over America writing that because Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the Presidential race and thus won’t compete with two men, we are forever doomed to have only male Presidents. If memory serves, Americans HAVE elected a woman President. Does no one remember all the work many of us devoted to Hillary’s campaign? Have we all forgotten her brave performance in debates with the bully of all time? And have so many columnists in America forgotten that she received 3 million more votes than Donald Trump? Not exactly proof that all those voters are guilty of misogyny. As we all know the problem there was the electoral college, which is obviously outdated.
"As to Elizabeth Warren, the candidate:
*There are many women -- certainly not misogynists -- who voted for someone other than Warren simply because they liked another candidate better.
*There are those who respected her good mind and broad knowledge of economics and public policy.
*Many liked her pugnacious attacks on the men in the race. Others totally agreed with all her many 'plans.'
*Then there are thousands of women as well as men who didn’t respond well to her finger-wagging; her 'about to cry' voice. Bernie Sanders uses the same accusatory gestures.
"And, many of us, who respected her 'smarts,' made the practical decision when she fell so far behind that we would vote for someone who could possibly win the nomination. One more time, a majority of Americans elected a woman in 2016, and they will again."
Addendum (from Martha): "And then there was Eleanor Tinsley, my old boss, who broke the woman barrier at City Hall in 1981 and served 7 terms as Houston City Councilmember-at-Large. Thus CouncilMEN became Councilmembers."
Hear! Hear! Martha.

"NASA and European Space Agency (ESA) pollution monitoring satellites have detected significant decreases in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) over China. There is evidence that the change is at least partly related to the economic slowdown following the outbreak of coronavirus." NO2 Plummets
If one is not careful, the media coverage of the latest worldwide epidemic might make one wish to leave the planet. The above NASA satellite photo indicates there is one positive outcome of the Coronavirus in China. The economic slowdown caused by the quarantine of millions of people, closing of factories, and limited transportation has resulted in the decrease of nitrogen dioxide - a gas emitted by motor vehicles, power plants, and industrial facilities which makes China the biggest contributer to climate change. Too bad they will all be up and running again as soon as the epidemic runs its course and the quarantines are lifted.
" 2014, when Ebola tore through West Africa..President Barack Obama created a new office and established a special emergency fund to improve federal response efforts. His administration also launched a global initiative meant to help high-risk, low-income countries prepare for future outbreaks." Here Comes the Coronavirus Recent reports indicate that by 2018 the current administration dismantled and defunded this office as Trump has been prone to do to anything he thinks Obama established. Trump has yet to implement a suitable response to the current outbreak of the Coronavirus.
All of the misinformation put out by Trump and FOX News aside, it is prudent to believe we must take precautions to prevent the spread of this new virus, COVID-19. As one of the vulnerable ones due to my age and health, my grown children are already preparing to protect me as well as their own families. One has even gone so far as to stock up on food, water, etc. for his family in the event our area schools are canceled and they might be confined to home. He told me that he remembers the shelves being emptied at our favorite grocery store when Hurricane Rita was headed for landfall in 2005.
I am mostly confined to home anyway, but I'm going to listen to the experts to ensure I'm doing my part. There are simple recipes online for making hand sanitizer much cheaper than the commercial ones. My daughter suggested I put a large bottle of it at my front door. Will do, CJ.
One television pundit compared the impending "pandemic" to the fear generated by 9-11. Not so. The coming election? Hmmmm.
"What you hold in your thoughts, you create in your world".. We all must overcome our fears and keep a positive outlook. Meanwhile, be sure to wash your hands, and don't touch your face!
Peace and good health,
Well said, Martha. I liked Warren a lot. But, like many other voters, after South Carolina I didn't see a path to the nomination for her. I chose who I believed to be the candidate best able to remove the abomination currently occupying the White House. And, he will no doubt choose a woman to join him on the ticket. I can see a one term presidency where he will step aside and she will become our first woman president. But for the arcane Electoral College, Hillary would already be that person - running for reelection.