Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Not as usual, of course. However, with more than a few changes, events still occur. The younger generation is faced with monumental changes. In our family, several instances of what many fear will be the "new normal" have happened.
My youngest grandson, Travis, recently graduated from high school and celebrated his 18th birthday shortly thereafter. The family is extremely proud of this young man. He's not only been a good student all of his school years, but since he was big enough to handle the golf clubs his dad Matthew bought him he has amazed us with his golfing skills!

1st Place 2014
Playing in Junior PGA
Tournaments all these
years has improved his  performance and
given him a lot of good experience. Travis won his first tournament when he was 11-years old.

               (Travis - 2nd from left - Score 75)

By the time Travis entered Vandegrift High School here in Austin he was good enough to make the Vipers Junior Varsity Golf Team. While in high school he continued to play well enough that in his senior year he received more than one offer of a golf scholarship at colleges around the country. Mom and Dad decided to keep him in Texas and close enough that he could visit home often. In April the family visited Lubbock Christian University in Lubbock, Texas. Travis will begin classes there August 16th on not only a golf scholarship, but also an honor scholarship! Needless to say, we are very proud of our young scholar/athlete. The teacher to student ratio at LCU is such that it should be possible to hold some in-school classes adhering to social distancing guidelines. Of course, the golf course is one of the safest places to be during a pandemic.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty regarding celebrations, the Steiner Ranch development where Travis and his family live decided to give the 2020 high school graduates a parade!

At last! Vandegrift High School held graduation ceremonies this past week at their football stadium complete with masks and social distancing. Each graduate walked across the stage with their parents to celebrate this milestone and receive that important document, the diploma.
The Riders - Matthew, Travis, Amy

Sister Kelly joins them.

And finally an important birthday! Travis turned 18 last Sunday!

He and Dad played golf, then spent the rest of the day boating and surfing on Lake Travis with a couple of his buddies. Tomorrow he will play in another golf tournament.

Congratulations, Travis. This grandmother will do her best to send chocolate chip cookies to you when you get to Lubbock. I will look forward to hearing of your successes in this next chapter of your life.

May the world return to some semblance of "normal" as we knew it, so in four years time you may celebrate another graduation. This time in an auditorium with your graduating classmates. And wearing only that beautiful smile on your face without the mask.

1 comment:

  1. I know you are very proud of this young man, and justifiably so. Congratulations, Travis.
