Wednesday, September 24, 2014


(Credit: Media

An estimated 310,000 marchers from all over the U.S. - and 150 countries of the world - showed up in NYC on September 21st to protest climate change. None of the major network Sunday news shows mentioned this historic event. I hate to think that the corporations behind these networks are against any efforts to slow down the current destruction of our planet. Not much mention has been given to the U.N.'s Global Climate Summit, also being held in New York City.

The demand for solutions, and indeed, even recognition that the problem exists, is growing. It appears that some major corporations in the U.S. are listening. We need so much more to happen, and more organizations and State and Federal Legislators to jump on the band wagon before it is too late. Do your research, and let your representatives know you want stricter laws protecting our environment. Boycott businesses who support anti-climate change views.

.."When (Diane) Rhem asked why Google was leaving ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council), (Google Chairman Eric) Schmidt said, 'Well, the company (Google-founded organization, Forecast the Facts) has a very strong view that we should make decisions in politics based on facts -- what a shock. And the facts of climate change are not in question any more. Everyone understands climate change is occurring and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. And so we should not be aligned with such people -- they're just, they're just literally lying.'"...Daniel Souweine, Huffpost  

I was not familiar with the group, ALEC, when I read the above article. Checking online news and of course, Wikipedia, I see that it is considered a "right-wing", conservative organization made up of state legislators and private sector individuals who draft legislation for members to present to their own state legislatures. Here's a portion of what Wikipedia has to say:

"ALEC's political activities have received considerable scrutiny by both the media and liberal groups. News reports from outlets such as the The New York TimesBloomberg Businessweek, and The Guardian have generally described ALEC as an organization that gives corporate interests outsized influence by enabling them to collaborate with lawmakers secretly but legally.[12][11][9] Critical coverage in recent years has led to a number of major corporations withdrawing their memberships in the organization, including Coca-ColaMicrosoftBank of AmericaGeneral Motors, and Google." ALEC

Hooray for the businesses who have opted out. More publicity should cause many others to withdraw. I wonder how many of the oil/gas conglomerates are members of this organization? (Think Koch Industries.) I can only imagine the influence they must carry with any legislature in regards to climate change or the environment in general. Their financial support must equal or exceed any other industry's lobbying efforts. Their backing of political candidates who will support their ventures is a given. And much of this is conducted in secret!
Frequent result to groundwater caused by fracking .
(New Jersey Sierra

The matter of "fracking" that has so many environmentalists concerned is just one example of our destruction of the planet. The money spent by Big Oil on this venture -- and for the PR they put out favoring it, would be better spent on developing the many alternate sources of energy. Energy other than fossil fuels. A friend of mine who lives in a suburb of Oklahoma City told me that in one 24-hour period, they felt 18 minor earthquakes in the OKC area. Most of the local citizens blame these occurrences - which are becoming the norm in areas where fracking is conducted - on the drilling. It is the drilling that causes the earthquakes; and the damage to the layers of the earth drilled through is allowing gas to contaminate the groundwater supplies in many areas. (See photo above.) Of course, the oil  and gas companies deny this.

The recent Climate March and the Global Climate Summit, which drew representatives from all over the world, should shed new light on a subject that has been denied too long by too many. The people and industries of the world are causing the current warming of the earth - the warmest in history. We must act now for our children's and grandchildren's sake.

Peace and love for the planet,

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