It is finally springtime in the Hill Country! Spring always floods me with “inspiration”. In-spiration – I like what Wayne Dyer once said about one meaning of the word. “In spirit”, he said. Seeing the gray, brown countryside green up, and then watching as the colors burst free from their winter hiding places seem to renew my own spirit.
A recent experience also inspired me. This time I had no doubt as to where the
came from. Saturday night before Easter I had my first labyrinth walk at a local church. The congregation had turned the entire sanctuary into a darkened prayer labyrinth for seekers of any faith to “make a pilgrimage” – a spiritual journey – akin to a walking meditation. An opportunity to commune with God and conduct self-examination. At each Station I was led to a greater realization of where I am in my relationship with my God, my family, and my personal path. I was filled with spirit and a desire to do better as I journey through the rest of my life.

I find it thrilling to note that when I am inspired (“in spirit”), good things seem to happen out of the blue. I have been watching the abundance of weeds and wildflowers grow in my yard, and although I love anything green or blooming, I realized they would have to be mowed again very soon. I am on a limited budget, and I’ve been wondering how I am going to afford to have my yard mowed this year. Last fall I had one estimate of $50, and earlier this year, in desperation, I paid someone $35 to mow and weed eat. Those prices were just too much for me on any kind of regular basis.
I heard mowing sounds this morning and looked out my front door to spot two men mowing my neighbor’s yard. Before long, there was a knock on my door. As I told the gentleman I didn’t think I could afford his price, he said to me, “I’m not looking to get rich from this. I mowed your neighbor’s yard for $25, and I will do yours for that also.”
I was amazed, as that was a price I had been saying to myself I could afford from time to time. As he turned to get his lawnmower, he handed me his business card. The name of his company? “Heaven Scent”! I do believe he was!

The brilliant sunshine and balmy temperatures we have been experiencing are perfect for daydreaming. And daydreams open the way to inspiration. At least they do for me. So many creative pursuits come to my mind. It's no accident this happens during springtime, when nature is full of birthing.
Daydreaming also raises memories of times past -- perhaps of sitting on a riverbank with a cane pole in my hand, not really caring whether or not I catch a fish. Picking armfuls of wildflowers to make garlands or lush bouquets to decorate my kitchen table... Or walking barefoot in a cold stream. The memories and good feelings will stay with me forever. The laziness daydreaming brings on competes mightily with the inspiration I am also feeling! If I were an accomplished artist, I would combine the two and create beautiful pictures of my memories of happy times. Instead, I will make pilgrimages into the surrounding hillsides with my camera, and try to capture memories for a future time.
The prayer labyrinth left me with a lingering notion of "my path", and where it might be leading me. I will continue to open myself to "inspiration" by way of enjoying our beautiful planet, even if only in my little area of the world, as well as meditation, and of course, daydreaming! I will joyfully share my insights as well as photographs as an offering to the Spirit that is within us all.
I am sorry I missed the recent "earth hour" event. It was very meaningful to me last year, as I turned off all electrical items in my home and read by kerosene lanterns. Be sure to mark your calendar for the upcoming 40th anniversary of the Earth Day celebration. It is April 25th this year. This website spells out some of the things in which you might wish to participate:
Until next time, may you all be "inspired" by springtime and the re-birth of nature, and may this Spirit remain in your heart throughout the year.
Peace and love,