As I sat in front of the TV last night, the mute button silencing the commercials, I had the strangest feeling come over me. For a few brief moments I thought to myself that I was only pretending to be living. Has that ever happened to you? I was looking out of this body,
but knew I was only inhabiting it -- that it wasn't me! This wasn't a spiritual experience. It was more like I was waking to something that until now had been a secret. The feeling returned this morning as I sat at my dining table and looked into the living room. It had been especially designed for this "pretend" life I was living. The stage was set. Now what? Shades of Shakespeare! What was going on in my mind?
I turned and looked out the window at the back yard, and realized it needed lots of work if it was going to be a "stage" for more fun life experiences... for me, my grandchildren, and the various "wildlife" that visit. I made a mental note to work
on the corner flower bed today. I'll plant wildflower seeds, then spread the mulch I got at Marble Falls yesterday. Also, I must plant the unknown flowers that my friend Jane gave me that butterflies were swarming around. (Note to myself: look up that plant on the Internet.) Hopefully, the mulch will keep the birds from eating all my seeds. I'll need to empty my little red wagon of its load of potted plants, then use it to transport the bags of mulch from my car to the back yard. Gone are the days when I can just jump up and get busy. Now it takes more planning!The sweetest thing happened yesterday at Home Depot as we were purchasing the mulch. A young woman checked us out and called for a man to load it in the car. When she saw us beginning to try to load it ourselves, she came out and insisted on doing it for us. As she put the first bag in, she caught it on something and it tore, spilling mulch in the back of Jane's Lincoln. She was mortified and went to get
tape to repair the bag for us. When she finished taping, then loading, she insisted that I pick out a potted plant "on her". I thanked her, and put a small chrysanthemum in the car. (Here comes the "sweet" part.) As we closed the trunk and started to get into the car, she reached out to me and gave me a big hug, and told us to enjoy the rest of our day!Life is good. And full of sweet surprises if we are open to
them. Who knows, maybe I will be visited by a garden deva while I'm working in the flower beds today? After all, granddaughter Kelly told me twice while she was visiting me last weekend that she saw a fairy!That's all for now. I had better get busy. I have birds to feed, seeds to plant, and mulch to spread.Love and happy autumn,Marilyn
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