Sunday, October 27, 2013


I was thinking of the severe drought and the tremendous amount of rain we here in the Hill country have received recently. My thoughts were that so many of us have been praying for it that we got a deluge in response. And that led me to the following email a dear friend, Carin Horn, PhD, wrote to our Dreamshack ladies a while back. I saved it, hoping a time would come that she would allow me to post it on my blog. When I wrote and asked her permission, this was her response:

"Thank you, Marilyn, for the reminder. That particular event changed my life in many ways and on many levels. You are welcome to use my comments in your blog. I thought about this last night while I was affirming the divine intention of gentle rain. Knowing how the law of attraction works, the more folks that can express gratitude BEFORE the rain event, the more likely it will occur. That concept is one of the most powerful that The Master Jesus taught -- give praise before it manifests in the physical. Or, as Jack Garner says, 'Act it and you are it.' There's a very deep lesson for each of us in his words."

"When I was in my early 20s, we were attending The Shrine of the Master (metaphysical) Church in Sarasota, Florida. I went to numerous spiritual development classes, which focused on prayer, visualization, affirmation, and intuition. One class met at 7:00 in the evening while a very strong hurricane was approaching the east coast of Florida. The directed visualization involved 'seeing' a wedge of energy placed against the vulnerable coast with the angled side of the wedge positioned to reflect/bounce the storm's energy back into the Atlantic Ocean. The class prayed and focused our light to serve the greatest good until about 8:00.  Shortly afterwards, we all went home.

In the morning, the radio announced that for unknown reasons, the hurricane turned east and moved out to sea at 8:15 the night before! I was astounded and amazed beyond words! Had 'we' really helped move that storm away from the people along the east coast? I couldn't wait to speak with one of the older women who also attended the class the night before. When I commented about the radio newscast she said, 'Oh, Carin, we have been doing that for years!' Boy, did I feel like a neophyte...but what a wonderful way to be consciously initiated into The Oneness that we are.  All things are possible when we work together for the highest and best."


"The highest and best." I love that phrase and its implications. Sometimes, I find it difficult to word my prayers or longings in that light. I find myself more often praying that an outcome is what I want, not necessarily what is in the highest and best for all concerned. 

Especially when it comes to my politics! And when I think about it, I'll bet that is what most of our politicians are doing also. Holding out, asking, or demanding what they think is "best". Not necessarily what is best for the country. 

As one of my favorite songs goes, "Let peace begin with me", may I start watching the things I am praying for and the wording I use. Maybe what I wish to happen is not in the best interests of all concerned. Granted, deflecting a hurricane is not the same as wanting my favorite piece of legislation to pass both houses of Congress. However, if enough of us in the country ask/pray that the highest and best for everyone in the country is in the hearts of those representing us, I believe that we can influence the turn of events and become even more what we've always proposed to be -- the greatest country on earth -- not one of ridicule in the eyes of the world.

Love and peace,

1 comment:

  1. Marilyn, thanks to your blog posting and the suggestions as to our prayer motives, my own prayers for Washington and Congress in their decision making will be more positive and toward the "good of all" rather than giving God directions as to my own wishes for what I feel should happen. You're right on once again. Thank you.

    Love, June
