His famous uncle, John Nance Garner, IV, former Democratic Speaker of the House, and also 32nd Vice President under Roosevelt, was noted for his quote, describing the Vice-Presidency as being "not worth a bucket of warm piss". One wonders what he would say about today's politicians.
Jack has had a few choice words of his own regarding the now President Trump and his Vice President Pence, however, he said he couldn't share them yet - they are "too profane". Something about a "bucket of glue"?
I'm sure I'll hear more out of Jack shortly.
"The people have spoken—and the people have set in motion a path that threatens our republic, at least as we know it. They have chosen to take the country in the direction of illiberal democracy. They have selected a leader who hates the First Amendment, who has shown a proclivity for imposing religious and ethnic tests on the citizenry, a leader who has benefited from an enemy power’s intervention in our democratic process. Donald Trump is not my president, and perhaps he’s not yours, but he will have more power over us—and the inclination to use it—than any president in American history.".. Franklin Foer, SlateOn Trump's mocking of a disabled reporter:
"If this was a member of your family or a next-door neighbor, a guy at work -- you would immediately distance yourself from that person," Letterman says of Trump's lack of civility. "And that's what I thought would happen. Because if you can do that in a national forum, that says to me that you are a damaged human being. If you can do that, and not apologize, you're a person to be shunned."..David Letterman on the NYTimes

"I am in shock. We have, in my opinion, now alerted the universe that the U.S. has the most stupid, self-destructive people on earth...What is happening??? I woke up around 3:30 AM and thought, well let me turn on the news and see how badly she beat him. I could not go back to sleep. I turned it off and waited a bit and turned it back on because I was SURE I was hallucinating or something...And I bet the people who voted for Cheeto in Charge didn't even look at what that fool who is now V.P. did in his state. I'm not watching any news either. The U.S. has now declared to the world that we have more stupid people who vote than anywhere else."..Rita B. from NC
"Disgust. Sadly, racism and ignorance are the driving force.." daughter, Carajean, Amarillo, TX
Grandson Tanner who turned 18 last August and voted for the first time, was so disappointed that he didn't want to go to school this morning.
Granddaughter Hannah, although not old enough to vote yet, was also very unhappy. To quote her dad, Craig, she's "having a breakdown" over the election results.
So many social issues and global issues at stake. From what I hear, it was the white male non-college educated that got Trump elected. We are living in a new age where everything is going to change."...Truman C., San Antonio, TX
A former classmate, Denny, who has a second home in Warsaw, is
planning to go to Poland in December during the semester break where he teaches at Stony Brook University. After the election results, I asked if he just might decide to stay in Poland. He replied, "Unfortunately I have to be back to teach on Jan 23, so I will return to Trumpland on Jan 18th." Denny was so fed up with the campaign this year he decided like a lot of us to quit watching the U.S. news coverage. He has many international friends who think we have gone crazy even nominating Trump. Bet he hates to face them now.
planning to go to Poland in December during the semester break where he teaches at Stony Brook University. After the election results, I asked if he just might decide to stay in Poland. He replied, "Unfortunately I have to be back to teach on Jan 23, so I will return to Trumpland on Jan 18th." Denny was so fed up with the campaign this year he decided like a lot of us to quit watching the U.S. news coverage. He has many international friends who think we have gone crazy even nominating Trump. Bet he hates to face them now.
A final note for now from a beloved friend.
"My thoughts after the election: It is time for deep, personal reflection
and what we can all do to be more inclusive of those who have felt disenfranchised, unheard, forgotten, and left with a sense of hopelessness. The voices/votes of the 'silent majority' have been heard and it is disheartening that so many American men and women have not felt as if they matter. This was/is the open door that led to the election outcome.
Time to affirm that the power of light and love are restoring our nation! We are all in this TOGETHER." Carin H., Denton, TX
Beautifully said, Carin.
Thanks to all of you for your input. If you wish to send me your thoughts as well, they will be welcomed and posted at a later time. In the meantime, let's all take a deep breath and say to ourselves, "This, too, shall pass." And remember, over half the voters in our country voted for a saner candidate.
Peace and love and prayers for our country,
Thanks, Marilyn. There is comfort in friends with sane thoughts.