I have been trying my best to keep my own negative thoughts to myself about the current state of our government. I give up and give in!
The chaos surrounding our new president and his administration still tops all of the daily news headlines. It's hard to miss. Many of us have been disgusted by this man and his shameful rhetoric since before the beginning of the past election campaign. The offensive way he doggedly pursued President Obama's proof of citizenship was despicable -- and ignorant. The way he currently dismisses, condemns, or claims that any news he doesn't agree with is "fake news", as well as spouting erroneous statistics that put him in the position of being called "liar, liar, pants on fire" by many of his detractors only confirms the belief that he is ignorant.
The chaos surrounding our new president and his administration still tops all of the daily news headlines. It's hard to miss. Many of us have been disgusted by this man and his shameful rhetoric since before the beginning of the past election campaign. The offensive way he doggedly pursued President Obama's proof of citizenship was despicable -- and ignorant. The way he currently dismisses, condemns, or claims that any news he doesn't agree with is "fake news", as well as spouting erroneous statistics that put him in the position of being called "liar, liar, pants on fire" by many of his detractors only confirms the belief that he is ignorant.
I never watched his show The Apprentice, but a time or two at someone else's house it happened to be turned on. Only seeing and hearing a few minutes of this show, I was shocked at the tyrannical method he used with the guests on his show. He seemed to love saying the words, "You're fired!" And then, there were the words out of his own mouth on TV for all to hear about the way he chose to greet women. Ugh! The backlash he received by way of the huge women's march, thousands around the globe joining in wearing their pink "Pussy Caps", some complete with cat ears, was undeniably a show of outrage from women everywhere for this leader of the most powerful country in the world.
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(Wikipedia) |
Some of the proposed spending cuts and/or defunding of numerous programs or agencies including National Endowment for the Arts, the Corporation of Public Broadcasting, and nonprofits such as Planned Parenthood will be cause for more resistance not only from women. If the GOP has its way and the president goes along with proposals to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits, the country may experience an uprising akin to a second American Revolution!
From the PBS website this week: "...Post-inauguration reports that the new administration was quick to clamp down on the flow of information from some federal agencies prompted additional anxiety among librarians.
..There is no scheduled librarian march on Washington, for example, like scientists have planned for Earth Day (though librarians with library science degrees say they will be joining in)......(It is believed that) librarians will coalesce against (the) President.. in large, physical numbers if the administration threatens funding to any major library institutions, such as the Library of Congress or National Archives." ..PBS.org
Read this excellent article about what scientists, programmers, professors and digital librarians are doing. Guerrilla Archivists "Structured like all-day hackathons and organized by volunteers, the events focus on downloading federal science—especially climate-change related—data sets from government websites and uploading them to a new website, datarefuge.org,"
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(dangerousintersection.org) |
Second Amendment advocates are minuscule compared to the army of volunteers who are working now and will in the future to preserve and maintain vital scientific data that should be available to the American people. Our First Amendment rights are at risk should they fail in their efforts. (Some data is already being deleted from the White House website.) The lengths these dedicated people are going to in order to keep free public access to important information that may not be in agreement with the current administration's agenda, should make us realize how scary the situation is in today's White House.
I have started and not finished several blog posts before this one. It is difficult to keep up with the news coverage. Many articles say what I wish to say, and they often point out the latest White House events that are cause for concern. I decided to go ahead and put my two cents in anyway. After all, he has become the favorite subject of our late night comedians.
As I began this yesterday, I still tried to keep up with news reports and opinions. I ran across this article in The Atlantic, and had to laugh. As you may have noticed, I do not mention the new president's name. I just can't bring myself to put it in writing, as I feel he represents the worst in our society. Reading this article, I discovered that I am not alone in refusing to use his name. On Not Saying His Name
When he goes on camera to deliver a speech, it is so obvious that his speeches are written by someone else. He reads them haltingly, using grammar and language not part of his usual speech pattern. It was apparent when he appeared with Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada. He was so unconvincing in the spoken words which he read in their entirety that I almost felt sorry for him. The young Prime Minister showed so much more class and was obviously at ease with his own speech, which he delivered without having to read it.
When he goes on camera to deliver a speech, it is so obvious that his speeches are written by someone else. He reads them haltingly, using grammar and language not part of his usual speech pattern. It was apparent when he appeared with Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada. He was so unconvincing in the spoken words which he read in their entirety that I almost felt sorry for him. The young Prime Minister showed so much more class and was obviously at ease with his own speech, which he delivered without having to read it.
The president is over his head in trying to govern in the manner in which he ran his business. His frustration with the massive bureaucracy is mounting the longer he is in office, and we suspect it won't be long before he blows up in public, truly being the embarrassment we all feel. I suspect the GOP, in their mostly silent support, are waiting until they wring out as much as they can that they've had on their agenda since before Obama's administration. (Then -- maybe -- impeachment? It may be sooner than we think.) The constant flak created by the administration has been a welcome distraction for them as the Republicans go about their business of trying to dismantle Obama's legacy.
The impromptu, hour and a half long, news conference the president held today to announce his new Secretary of Labor was exhausting. His beating up on the media showed him again as the bully he is. Nothing about this man is presidential.
When asked what we could do about him, someone said to me "All we can do now is pray for him!"
Peace and Hope,
I just made a correction about the article I read in The Atlantic. I previously said it was from The New Yorker. This was in regards to "not saying his name"!
The impromptu, hour and a half long, news conference the president held today to announce his new Secretary of Labor was exhausting. His beating up on the media showed him again as the bully he is. Nothing about this man is presidential.
When asked what we could do about him, someone said to me "All we can do now is pray for him!"
Peace and Hope,
I just made a correction about the article I read in The Atlantic. I previously said it was from The New Yorker. This was in regards to "not saying his name"!
Well, I have been trying hard "to pray for this man", and God help me I almost choke on his name when I speak to the Almighty about and this is an absolute first for me in my prayer life. I feel hypocritical in this petition for him. So, I'm sorry people but I have to give it up which I realize is pretty unChristian of me, but it is better not do it unless with a pure heart-felt petition to God, and all I feel toward this man is extreme anger and disgust.
ReplyDeleteJune, your honesty is refreshing. So many "Christians" support this man regardless of his character. To me, they are the hypocrites! I understand your hesitation to pray for him, so why not just pray for us? Pray for the strength we all need to make it through the next four years!
ReplyDeleteI agree and so does almost 100% of the people we associate with. And think about this Marilyn. He is a prime example of how "The Secret" can work! He constantly over many years talked about how everything he does and says and is involved in is so great. Look how far that speaking it and thinking it has brought him! BUT...he is in so far over his head he will sooner or later, implode. Because he was able to manifest this show of "greatness" but has not done the spiritual, emotional or intellectual work to get himself through it, ultimately I believe it will be a HUGEEEE failure in the end!
ReplyDeleteAs Emerson said, "You become what you think about all day long". Too bad he didn't think "spiritually, emotionally, or intellectually" about what he would need to maintain the "greatness" he would achieve. And too bad the American people will have to suffer from his neglect.
DeleteOkay. My earlier post is killing my conscience. I will pray that God will restrain this man and his minions from destruction of the good things that have been put in place to help Americans of lower incomes and people of all faiths and sexual preference. I will also pray for him to merciful to the illegal immigrants who are hardworking people wanting to live here with their families in peace. And I do pray that God will help us all get through whatever happens during the next four years.
ReplyDeleteNow I know, and so will others, why I always refer to you as my "prayer warrior". I must copy your prayer and paste it where I can see it daily. Beautifully said, my friend.
DeleteGreat blog, Mom.
DeleteI, too, watched that whole damn press conference last night when I got home. I became so angry at this country for "electing" him.
I do take comfort in the fact that I don't believe he will last long. It appears that the intelligence community is getting ready to rain holy hell down him. I think he'll be forced to resign like Nixon.
Then we have Pence.