For the most part, I am continuing the "news fast" I started a while back. I removed the news sites from my computer's home page, only occasionally checking the Google news site to scan the headlines. Their site has the least offensive headlines.
I have allowed myself to watch a network evening newscast, but after this weekend I think I will quit doing that as well. When one is able to stay calm and optimistic about one's world, it is very obvious when something you hear or read agitates and upsets you. And that happened this weekend.
The uproar over the proposed building of a Muslim center and mosque in lower
Manhattan is very disturbing to me. I am a descendant of Pierre Moragne who arrived on the shores of Charleston, South Carolina in 1764, a member of one of the last groups to flee from the persecution of Huguenots in France. Living in the Dordogne district of France, the Huguenots (Calvinists) were forbidden to worship in public by the official church (Roman Catholic) and the state. They met in caves, in the forests, and in the desert, their meetings being led by "Pastors of the Desert". These Protestants were denied civil rights, their property was confiscated, and their ministers executed. To escape persecution French Protestants migrated to neighboring countries and to America. (Photo of John Calvin)
After a tortuous journey, begun in secret and probably without enough necessary provisions, the loss at sea of his first wife that he had married in secret in one of the caves, Pierre's ship turned back after only a month. Not deterred, the grief stricken Pierre struck out again and this successful journey began the history of Moragnes in America. (A book published in 1971.)
I feel certain many of you reading this have similar stories in your family histories of your ancestors coming to this country seeking freedom of all kinds -- religious freedom being the dominant reason for the founding of America. The millions of Muslim Americans deserve the same right as any other religious group to worship here. It's unfortunate that they chose the site they have in New York, which is four (heavily crowded) blocks from what is now called "ground zero". It has given fodder to the extremist organizations as well as the media. Any thinking person knows that all Muslims are not terrorists. (Photo of St. Patrick's Cathedral NYC)
It is scary to think that fundamental religious groups might put so much pressure
on officials that they might be able to prohibit the building of this Center. I understand that it is not to be just a mosque, but will house a cultural center that will be beneficial in helping to educate and bring about understanding of the Islam religion to the public. There are many beautiful cathedrals and temples in New York City. Why not a mosque? (Photo of Temple Emanu'EL - NYC)
This close to elections, I know you have not heard the end of this issue. I HAVE, though! I'm going to quit watching any news on television,
and may quit perusing the computer news sites as well. Will someone please let me know if we declare war -- or a cataclysmic natural disaster hits the United States??
In the meantime, may God bless Americans -- no matter how they worship -- or not!
Peace and love,
From dear friend, June Curry:
ReplyDeleteOh, Marilyn, I feel exactly the same way as you do to all the opposition to the building of this center, as does our President, who actually had the courage to say so despite all the ones who told him not to comment on it. Would you send me an attachment of this article on an email (that is if you wouldn't mind me sharing it on my Facebook page).
Your article is so intelligent and perhaps someone or several someones will be influenced by reading a lucid discussion of this issue. There is so much ignorance on the Facebook page right now in the other direction.
I wish I had your discipline about the news--I don't seem to be able to give up my morning paper or evening news yet, but I'm getting closer I think. And yes, it is continually disturbing to read and hear all the tripe spouted in the news.
Thanks for your wonderful blog addition and for your loving, caring heart. I'm so glad your ancestor made the trip and that you were the end result.
Why is there no outcry that a shopping mall will be built ON Ground Zero? In the hole!
From friend and former classmate:
ReplyDelete"I share your opinion on the building, I hope that it is for the right reasons, and not a testament to the radicals that caused the fall of the buildings. So..... you go girl....
Hang in there, you are not ready to turn off the world yet, are you?"
From my dear Unity friend, Pam:
ReplyDelete"..I totally agree!
For a Christian fundamentalist, I would think they would be thrilled. Having a mosque so close to ground zero ought to give them the feeling of protection -- the Islamic fundamentalist would be less likely to bomb a place that had a beautiful mosque, wouldn't they?.."
You know I gave up on the news years ago and try to touch base in a limited fashion on the internet. We probably need to keep connected some way, though, so that we know what 'the pundits' (my words) are doing and saying, but that's a pretty sad reason to keep connected, isn't it!"