"The voice of doom is loud in our land. It is predicting unheard of fears and possibilities. But we have the antidote in our mouths - our words. Words are powerful, able to turn away the negative thoughts and words of those who have no purpose but to degrade. We don't have to let other people decide that we are victims of every attack, every debate, every wrongdoing. Our u ni ne tsv (words), say the Cherokees, are mighty to pull down anything or any person that lies in wait to harm us. Life and death are truly in the power of the tongue - and our part is to study the use of words and their effect on us. We know what it is to hear words of courage. It is light entering a dark place and we hear as well as speak." "Give ear, I am the mouth of my nation."....Kiosaton
(Photo of Wes Studi, Cherokee actor in "Trail of Tears", PBS film)
(Photo of Wes Studi, Cherokee actor in "Trail of Tears", PBS film)
I'm sure by now most of you have heard what billionaires Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have been up to. Beginning last year, and culminating in a dinner in June of this year, Buffett and Gates have headed up a project called the Giving Pledge. Their aim is to reach the wealthiest people on the Forbes 400 list to pledge at least
half of their wealth to charitable causes before they die. Of the 70 - 80 people they called, 40 of them responded. That's 10 percent of the wealthiest people on the list. And they hope to reach more. Many folks were hesitant to let their commitment be known, but Buffett persevered, pointing to the legacies of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. They feel that the philanthropy they exhibit will leave a valuable example to future generations. Not promoting any particular charity, they encourage people to support the environment, education, and health. With the pledges so far, over $120 billion dollars have been offered. (Photo: Carnegie Library, Ballinger, Texas)
Ahem. I have a suggestion. They could help America and Americans by using a portion of that wealth to pay certain people in the public eye (and ears) today to
stay home and shut up! They are doing more damage than any terrorist organization could do to this country. They are killing us slowly with their hate-filled rhetoric. Their efforts to be the first with a "news" item or event, often leads them to put forth lies and half-truths by not taking the time to verify their facts. And they count on their viewing public to not check out those facts, as they are supposedly presenting a "fair and balanced" view. So many people stay glued to their televisions news channels today. The power those words have over them is evident when we see such things as "Tea Party" activists carrying signs that have nothing to do with the Tea Party movement (like "Teabagging for Jesus" or "Take Back our Borders!"), and more about individual prejudices. (Tea Party photos from About.com)
I believe that the people listening and believing some of the things presented by
their favorite newscaster, politician, or radio talk-show host listen in order to attach themselves to any cause these people support - often not knowing anything about the true issues they are "supporting". Surely, in their hearts, they don't believe that someone like Sarah Palin - who showed her lack of expertise in her knowledge of government in the last election - surely, they don't think that all the speaking engagements she has been involved in over the past two years have given her qualifications to lead this country! And for her to dare support political candidates! I would not vote for them because she supports them if for no other reason! She, who couldn't even finish her term as governor of Alaska? It's the $100,000 speaking fee she's after. The more anger, fear, and dissatisfaction she is able to stir up, the more speaking engagements - and probably more money, she adds up!
So, Gates and Buffet: Pay her and Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and any of the others poisoning our airwaves and confusing a lot of people, whatever they ask. Just shut them up.
"The Gulf of Mexico oil spill has revealed a previously unknown type of
oil-eating bacteria, which is suddenly flourishing." This microbe has apparently evolved due to smaller oil leaks into the ocean, and is not using as much oxygen as they feared it might... Go! Eat that oil, little bugs! (Photo furnished by Science journal.) If you want to read more about it, go to this site (or check it out on Good News Now):
A Connecticut woman recently donated a kidney to a complete stranger.
The 11-year old artist, Olivia Bouler, who painted pictures of the birds affected by the Gulf oil spill and sold them to raise money for the rehabilitation of the birds, has now raised $150,000.
A New York ad executive gave her credit card to a homeless man.
The wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico appears to be recovering, and not suffering as many effects from the oil spill as first feared.
Did you know that former Presidents Clinton and Bush are working together in aiding the recovery of Haiti? That they have a relief organization (listed on the right) that you may donate money to? This makes four living ex-presidents that have put aside political differences and are working alone and together to better the world. Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter are the other two.
If you have any extra money lying around, please remember the poor people of Pakistan who have been flooded and lost everything, as well as the Haitian people still in dire need. Organizations who are active in the relief efforts are listed to the right of this post.
And this excerpt from an important article in Reuter online news:
".. the newly formed New York Neighbors for American Values, made up of more than 40 religious and civic groups, said the debate (over the proposed Muslim Center) was creating fear and division and that it would fight for U.S. constitutional freedoms to be upheld. 'We were not attacked by the Muslim world,' said Donna O'Connor, spokeswoman for September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, whose pregnant daughter was killed in the World Trade Center attacks."
She went on to state that this group supports the proposed cultural center "100 per cent". To that I say: AMEN!
Until next time, may our words reflect the society we wished we lived in. We can make it happen with words of hope, encouragement, optimism, love, and of course,

Ahem. I have a suggestion. They could help America and Americans by using a portion of that wealth to pay certain people in the public eye (and ears) today to

So, Gates and Buffet: Pay her and Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and any of the others poisoning our airwaves and confusing a lot of people, whatever they ask. Just shut them up.
There is so much good happening. I hope some of you have checked out the sites I have listed to the right of this post. Good News Now is my favorite. You can find these stories and many more like them on their site. Did you know that:"The Gulf of Mexico oil spill has revealed a previously unknown type of

A Connecticut woman recently donated a kidney to a complete stranger.
The 11-year old artist, Olivia Bouler, who painted pictures of the birds affected by the Gulf oil spill and sold them to raise money for the rehabilitation of the birds, has now raised $150,000.
A New York ad executive gave her credit card to a homeless man.
The wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico appears to be recovering, and not suffering as many effects from the oil spill as first feared.
Did you know that former Presidents Clinton and Bush are working together in aiding the recovery of Haiti? That they have a relief organization (listed on the right) that you may donate money to? This makes four living ex-presidents that have put aside political differences and are working alone and together to better the world. Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter are the other two.
If you have any extra money lying around, please remember the poor people of Pakistan who have been flooded and lost everything, as well as the Haitian people still in dire need. Organizations who are active in the relief efforts are listed to the right of this post.
And this excerpt from an important article in Reuter online news:
".. the newly formed New York Neighbors for American Values, made up of more than 40 religious and civic groups, said the debate (over the proposed Muslim Center) was creating fear and division and that it would fight for U.S. constitutional freedoms to be upheld. 'We were not attacked by the Muslim world,' said Donna O'Connor, spokeswoman for September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, whose pregnant daughter was killed in the World Trade Center attacks."
She went on to state that this group supports the proposed cultural center "100 per cent". To that I say: AMEN!
My heart is happy today. Tomorrow I am fixing "brunch" for both my boys! Craig has been in Austin working on sales with Matthew, and they are winding up their work week with a game of golf at the popular Delaware Springs Golf Course here in Burnet. Should be a lively meal, as they love to poke good-natured fun at each other.
Here's a picture of the three of us when I coaxed them into helping me move out of my Barn - nine years ago! I think we all have changed a little since then! (Maybe added a few pounds?)

Until next time, may our words reflect the society we wished we lived in. We can make it happen with words of hope, encouragement, optimism, love, and of course,
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