Rupert Murdoch was recently quoted as saying they were "telling lies" in Parliament about his corporation. Hummph! That's funny considering the lies, twisted truths, and biases his FOX News channel spouts all the time.
I have NEVER intentionally watched a FOX News program, but have been visiting at homes -- in particular, my Dad's -- where that is the only news channel they watch. Being forced to hear some of the dribble coming out of the TV at those times shocked me at first. Then I realized what I was hearing was standard fare for FOX programming. I began to do research and discovered I was not the only one who spotted all the inaccuracies and out and out lies they espouse. As I learned more about the owner, Rupert Murdoch, and his extremely conservative views, I read that he demanded that his slant on politics be the standard for their reporting. This has been verified by many ex-employees of his many media outlets. This has been particularly noticeable in the "editorial" and "opinion" type programming of the FOX channels. Some that I happened to see were absolutely horrific!
Glenn Beck comes to mind. Thank goodness, he finally has been taken off television, although I'm pretty certain he has audiences somewhere.. maybe talk radio. I remember a video clip I saw on the web where Beck was pictured with vampires in the background, fangs dripping blood, and he was calling the Democrats vampires. "You know the only way to get rid of a vampire, don't you?", he said. "By putting a stake through the heart!" I was aghast that this was allowed on television for all the Jared Loughner's in this country to watch and be riled up by. You remember, Loughner's the one who shot Congresswoman Gifford and others in Arizona? A paid political ad during that time by Sarah Palin showed bullseye crosshairs over a map of Arizona, supposedly targeting Democrats to defeat, probably didn't help keep the crazies at bay. Congresswoman Gifford was one of those targeted.
For the most part, though, it is the day-to-day, repetitive broadcasting of popular hosts pounding in the rhetoric and political agenda of the far right that is influencing so many Americans on the most popular news network. This is what the billionaire, power hungry Rupert Murdoch has been working towards. It is now obvious from all the events unfolding in Great Britain that he and his vast teams of employees have been willing to go to any lengths to gather "news". And the amount of power and influence he has been wielding over politicians and even Scotland Yard and the police force there is scary. I hope the inquiries and arrests expose the extent of Murdoch's "empire" and its purpose. Those who broke the law -- no matter how important their positions in either the government, law enforcement, or Murdoch's own businesses -- need to be punished for all the world to see. Maybe it will help break the spell he has held over so many American viewers.
This is from an article I recently read on the Internet that pretty much sums up my view of Murdoch's enterprises:
"..The Murdochs call News Corporation a journalistic enterprise. In fact, it is, first, an entertainment company, with the bulk of its revenue coming from its film and television holdings. Second, and more importantly, it is a propaganda machine for right-wing causes and political figures.
This is News Corporation’s main face in the US, in the form of Fox News, whose hallmark has been relentless propagation of right-wing ideology. Whereas political propaganda had once been the domain of governments and political parties, Fox News is formally independent of both – though it overwhelmingly serves the interests of America’s Republican Party.
In Britain, News Corporation has been creating a sort of state unto itself by corrupting the police, assuming police powers of surveillance, and intimidating politicians into looking the other way. In the US, it has behaved similarly, using corporate media power to breathe life into a stand-alone political organization, the Tea Party..." Truthout.. July 13, 2011
“Conde Naste’s Portfolio Magazine has compiled a list of billionaires ranked by their charitable donations. The Generosity Index itemizes fifty of the wealthiest individuals as donors, relative to their wealth. Coming in fiftieth is the miserly media mogul, Rupert Murdoch. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that (this) uber-conservative, Republican monopolist, should finish LAST in expressions of charity....” He is certainly not to be admired for his philanthropy. I would believe a Warren Buffett or Bill Gates stance on current issues before I would credit anything put out by Murdoch. I find nothing redeemable in the character of this despicable man.
I was not surprised to read that Canada has an obscure law that prohibits giving false or misleading information on broadcast news, but the U.S, doesn't. Perhaps we need something along that line -- or at least require news broadcasters to better identify their programming as "editorial opinions" rather than just "hard facts" news reporting. Something FOX does not do. People like my dad take everything they report as the "fair and balanced", unbiased truth!
Another recent article about ethics in journalism:
Another recent article about ethics in journalism:
"There is no licensing authority for journalists as there is for lawyers or doctors, but the Society of Professional Journalists puts forth a set of ethical standards, though it has no means to enforce them. First among them is: 'Deliberate distortion is never permissible.' It should go without saying, but there it is.
The rest of the standards touch on basic tenets of honesty (don’t fabricate, mislead, deceive, silence opposing views), humanity (show compassion, respect and sensitivity to subjects who have undergone trying or traumatic events), and integrity (avoid conflicts of interest and disclose those that cannot be avoided).
That’s not too much to ask, is it? Seek the truth as best you can determine it, go about it with candor and compassion, and do so 'without fear or favor' -- a phrase attributed to New York Times patriarch Adolph Ochs, conveying independence and impartiality.
It remains the controlling principle in most of the news media, but too often, editorial decisions are made that bring the entire profession into disrepute. And that harms not just the journalists, but the rest of us, too, as our discourse is steeped in distrust, cynicism and vitriol." (Dave Saldana, YES!)
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by rmay |
But these standards, as well as any legalities that stand in their way, are obviously ignored by Murdoch's News Corporation. I wonder what on earth this man has been aspiring to! Does he wish to be President of the World? Does he think his political views should be believed and enforced by all? Does he really think he is above the law? God help us all if his influence is so entrenched in the United States that he and the corporations who support his efforts to change politics in this country succeed!
I have my two youngest grandchildren this week. We are already enjoying ourselves. I hope they don't get too bored with all the hot weather keeping us indoors so much. We are planning to make decorations for our bodies; then Grandmommy is going to teach them to do a rain dance, complete with rattles and chants.
Well, again Marilyn, you said it so beautifully concerning Mr. Murdoch. What's happening to him in England is so very long over due, and hopefully the FBI probe here can find some of the buried bodies as well. This man and his empire are totally evil, and yet the views he espouses on Fox News and other publications are accepted by so many as gospel. Maybe he will finally get he dues or least some of them.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your grandchildren, and get the rain dance going right away.
With love, June
A long-time friend in Denton wrote the following. I'm not certain if she meant she is a conservative, but I didn't lose her friendship.. or not! :)
ReplyDelete"Nope, it will take more than that to lose me."
"...When I first read this article Ads: "There Oughta Be A Law! – Or Maybe Not" (on I thought to myself.... SO, there is Nothing stopping American politicians from lying. Nothing stopping FOX or any 'news channel' from lying, And because the Glenn Becks of the world are protected by free speech they keep putting out the fodder and many Americans just keep on taking it in as God's own truth.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are correct, these people are not going to take the time to check the facts. And I often send this very article to them to let them know that no politician is required to tell the truth...nor are the little talk shows on FOX required to tell them the facts, either..."