A good friend of mine sent the following letter that one of her bridge partners sent to his Representatives from Oklahoma. I asked permission to post it here, as it says so eloquently what many of us in America feel about what is going on in our country today -- in particular, the changes in our political scene. I had June request permission from the author of this letter to use it here, as well as a good portion of it to use to send to our own Representatives in Washington. He kindly agreed, and even allowed the use of his name.
If any of you feel the same, we would love to hear from you. I have permission to send you Mr. McGee's email address if you wish to address him personally. Perhaps you would like to use all or a portion of this letter to send to your own Representatives. Here it is in its entirety.
If any of you feel the same, we would love to hear from you. I have permission to send you Mr. McGee's email address if you wish to address him personally. Perhaps you would like to use all or a portion of this letter to send to your own Representatives. Here it is in its entirety.
"Senator ____, and/or Representative _____
I hope you actually take the time to read this message. I am a 74 year old voter in your state and until four years ago I was a registered Republican. The Republican party has changed until I can no longer support their agenda. I am now a registered Independent. I have voted in all elections since I reached age 21! I have served my country thru my service in the military and volunteer organizations. I have worked and lived in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, so I am familiar with other cultures and governments.
I have seen the results of distorted wealth distribution and political power on people and nations. I am deeply concerned about the current concentration of American wealth and power into the hands of fewer and fewer people and corporations. Especially people and organizations that never seem to get enough power or wealth and have no moral inclination to share that wealth and control with those who are most often at the bottom of the economic ladder in the United States. We claim to be a Christian nation but we do not walk the talk. How can we allow millionaires and major corporations to pay little or no tax and then take maximum tax money from the poor and middle class!
It appears to me that the prime objective of the Republican party is to destroy President Obama's presidency not to strengthen or save America. Yes, tax issues need to be addressed, namely tax breaks for millionaires, agribusinesses, oil companies and excessive military costs. The high costs of supporting the federal legislative branch should also be looked at and cuts considered. After those issues have been addressed, then perhaps we can cut back on other costs of running the government and then and only then consider the programs that help the poor, disabled, elderly and our children.
For 66 years I have paid into Social Security and for most of those years I paid the maximum amount. The US government owes me a fair Social Security payment based on the amount I have paid into the government over the years. The fact that the government used that money for other purposes and did not set the money aside for the obligated payments after my retirement is not my problem and I should not have to suffer the consequences because the government squandered the money. The continued COLA adjustment is also justified to protect the retired elderly, since the government seems not to be able to control inflation!
I don't know if anyone in your office will read this, or if you will even know that I took the time to write. But let me assure you, that I will vote in the next election, and I will work to help defeat any candidate who cannot understand the issues I have raised and who takes care of their own, but has no concern for American citizens who are not among the wealthy, lobbyists or major dollar contributors.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I sincerely hope it has given you something to think about.
Bob McGee
Edmond, Oklahoma"
Thank you, Mr. McGee! I told my friend June that it was so refreshing to hear "ordinary citizens" speak out in no uncertain terms about the major issues and problems facing us in the U.S. today. I hope it inspires more of us "ordinary" folks to do the same! I know I intend to hammer home to my own Representatives my feelings regarding their current behavior, and how I will also work to see them voted out of office if they continue in the same vein as today!

This Grandmommy still has little ones visiting. I am constantly reminded of the fact that their futures are in our hands.
Peace, love, and hope for the future,
Beautifully done as always, Marilyn. And thanks to Bob McGee for sharing his moving letter to his Representatives. I heartily agree with every word. I also was a Republican for many, many years. I feel they left me--not that I left them. Thanks again for your wonderful post.