and I'm still living and loving and learning. These are my friends...and my musings.
Monday, April 2, 2012
The training wheels come off!
The next Danica Patrick?
Kelly is not alltomboy, even though she loves to do much the same things as big brother Travis. For instance, she did a little "rock" climbing with him recently. (She is very brave indeed!) She still loves to play all the girly things, such as Barbie dolls. Besides being so adorable to look at, and making excellent grades in kindergarten, Kelly loves to sing along with some of the latest pop songs. I keep hoping for a good video of her doing this. I heard her sing along with her iPod in the car once, and it was adorable. Her mom told me that she is getting a little camera shy in her "old" age, so it's a little harder now to get her to perform.
Speaking of big brother Travis, the last time I visited their home I noticed two colorful paintings. When I discovered that Travis had done them, I was thrilled! We have singers, a dancer, and musicians galore in our family. Now we have a budding artist. The large parrot painting is done in watercolor.
By Travis
This poinsettia was done on foil with paint markers. I think he may have a terrific talent for a nine year old. I'm just sayin'.... as a proud grandmother.
What did we mothers and grandmothers do before the Internet? Why, we pulled out our billfolds or small photo albums whenever we could capture someone's attention. No matter how tight money was, we had copies made of all our Kodak moments to send to relatives. I cannot tell you how many of these I am getting returned to me as the older members of my family are "giving up the ghost"! Even if all the members on my blog email list do not open the blog and see these photos, I have the satisfaction of knowing (from my statistics counter provided by Blogger) that someone out there somewhere sees them.. and often reads my "bragging" accounts as well.
I would love to hear about your grandchildren's latest exploits. I might even put them on the blog!
It does look like you have a budding artist. I think that's great.
He really is very talented, and I'm sure his parents will work to develop that talent. Grandmother notwithstanding, that child is very gifted.