Sunday, March 24, 2013


Recent Headlines on Shootings in U.S.

There have always been shootings in this country. Mass killings, domestic violence, police shootouts, and homicides. With very, very rare exceptions -- and I do not count "stand your ground" killings such as the Trayvon Martin one in Florida (that man went "hunting" for his victim armed with a gun), you do not see headlines about people shooting someone in self-defense or defense of one's home or property. Every gun owner I know of who talks of the "right to bear arms" cites their reason is that they wish to protect their home and loved ones. How often is that really necessary in our country? Not nearly so often as the senseless gun violence we hear or read about every day .

Then there are the ones who refer to the notion we may need to protect ourselves like the patriots of old.. from an oppressive government. Really? Recently, I saw the image below on another blog. I think it relates to what I feel is the stupidity of these people. As if even an arsenal of assault weapons would keep them safe if the government wished to come after them. And we sure don't have to worry these days about being attacked by Indians (unless you are a female in India, that is). Even if you were to be burglarized in your home, a handgun would be easier to keep close at hand for protection than an assault weapon. Wouldn't it? Or an old time shotgun? What logical reason can be given for wanting to own an assault weapon unless you are a member of law enforcement?

No, I don't think we are a stupid nation. However, I do think the majority of the public is being duped by the gun manufacturers and the NRA. It's all about the money. Our representatives in Congress who are against the assault weapon ban are fearful of losing the powerful support of the gun lobbyists. Or maybe their seat in Congress. It truly is a shame that doing the right thing is no longer true of our representatives.

Daily News Cover March 20th
Children of the Sandy Hook Massacre

There are way too many guns in this country. Stopping the sale of assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines will only be a drop in the bucket, but at least it will be a start towards more responsible, sensible gun ownership. If this is not done, as the newspaper says, "Shame on U.S."!

Then all we have to worry about are all the weapons already out there in the hands of criminals and white supremacist groups. 

What do you think? 


1 comment:

  1. I totally oppose the NRA...They have too much power.
