My last blog post generated a lot of hits on the internet. Gun control is on the minds of many. Not only here in the U.S., but in other countries as well.
From my friends I have some feedback that I thought I would toss out there for you readers. The first is from a good friend and former classmate from high school who now lives in Oklahoma City. Here's what June had to say:

Another old friend, Jack Garner (John Nance Garner, V), who has written a couple of guest columns for me, is also a frequent published contributor to the Denton Record-Chronicle (DRC). Never one to pull any punches, he sent me the following:
"I was eating breakfast at What-A-Burger after my morning bus run when this man walked in with a friend. Both are older men, and both were dressed in camouflage shirts and pants.
I knew one of the men. His name is Floyd V*** who retired from the University of North Texas where he taught math.. and he's very good at finance. I believe he is a millionaire. He is also a right-wing religious nut job.
He saw me and walked up, but paused at a distance from my table and said, 'Well, I guess your man got to be President.' I said, 'Heck, Floyd, you know he did.'
Floyd answered, 'You know he's going to take our guns away from us.' And I told him, 'Floyd, he's never said anything about taking our guns. He wants to ban assault rifles and multi-shot clips.'
'Do you have any guns,' he asked. 'Sure I do.'
'Well, I hope he gets yours.' 'I'm not real worried about it, Floyd.'
'When I handle my guns, I think about shooting you.' And he turned and left. In spite of his math ability, he is really an Oklahoma redneck, and he was gone before I thought, 'Heck, he sounds like he's making a death threat!'
Takes all kinds to make a world, unfortunately.'"
After this encounter, Jack was inspired to send the following letter to the editor of the DRC, and they published it:
"The Government is coming to take your guns, and if that makes you shake in your BVDs; if it makes you want to rush out and buy another gun, the NRA and the gun manufacturers of America know how to push your buttons. I've heard that tired old pitch for fifty years, and you know, nobody from the government has knocked on my door and said, 'Gimme!'
Be honest, has President Obama said or even suggested he wants your guns? No he hasn't, but the NRA has tried to twist a stand against assault rifles and multi-bullet gun clips into 'The Government is coming to get your guns.' The NRA is supported by and takes its marching orders from the gun manufacturers of America, and they couldn't care less what happens to and with their guns once they leave the manufacturing plant and are sold in the stores.
They don't care if their guns kill fathers' and mothers' babies or you as long as the cash keeps rolling in.
They don't care if their guns eventually make their way into the hands of criminals.
When is the last time you had to pull a gun in self-defense? When is the last time you had to repel a mob with an assault rifle? The weapon manufacturers want you to fear that you will have to in a hypothetical future. Why? That fear translates into gun sales. Gun sales mean more cash, and that is the only goal and purpose they have."
Another family friend, Cliffie, from the Dallas area sent me links to two good articles. One reflecting the NRA's position: NRA Speaks
The second one amazed me. Can you believe that some think that we need assault weapons because Iran may invade the U.S.? Protection Against Invasions
(From the Minnesota Post)
Dallas Gun Shop
Finally, another family friend took issue with my comment about the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida. I explained to him that my main argument regarding that killing was that the self-appointed "vigilante" type man who did the shooting ignored police warnings to stand back and wait for a patrol car when he called and told them of the "suspicious" person he was following. This man was not a legitimate security guard or any kind of law enforcement. I think he was just some guy who felt the gun he had made him macho, and he wanted to prove himself by taking down a would-be intruder in the neighborhood. Even our law enforcement people are suspended and sometimes even charged for shooting an unarmed suspect -- even if the suspect was a known criminal.
'Nuff said on this subject. I really hope and pray that our representatives listen to the majority of American people who wish to see the gun control laws strengthened -- especially the ban on assault weapons and high volume gun magazines.
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